1st Report on Data Interoperability: Findability and Interoperability

EOSCpilot has produced a first draft of the strategy and recommendations to help users and services to find and access datasets across several scientific disciplines. This strategy relies on three main ideas:

  • Agreeing on a common and minimum dataset metadata properties to be exposed by data resources (following evaluation of existing metadata models and APIs).
  • Supporting a coordinated ecosystem of dataset metadata catalogues working together to efficiently manage and exchange their metadata.
  • Demonstrate the applicability of these recommendations by implementing them in real use cases to allow users services to find and access data.
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The recommendations of this working group are driven by a set of guiding principles which can be grouped into three categories:

  • Reuse - Leverage upon the rich legacy of Research Infrastructures
  • Least - Converge upon the minimum set of metadata from which we can derive maximum benefit
  • Practical - Recommend solutions that are sustainable, pragmatic and easy to deliver


One of the core outcomes from the draft guideline outlines are three components judged to be important for the implementation of this strategy

  • EDMI metadata guidelines: EOSC Datasets Minimum Information. A set of metadata properties and a metadata crosswalk (equivalence) across existing metadata models. More...
  • Metadata catalogues strategy: Recommendations about how to support an ecosystem of metadata catalogues. More...
  • Demonstrators: And set of demonstrators to validate and iteratively improve the proposed recommendations. More...