EDMI metadata properties

Property Description Minimum Functional Minimum Operational Recommended Functional Recommended Operational Optional Functional Optional Operational RDA Metadata guideline
name A descriptive name for the dataset No guideline yet
description A short summary describing a dataset Description
identifier The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of dataset Unique Identifier
url The location of a page describing the dataset Location (URL)
creator The creator/author of this dataset Originator
dateCreated The date on which the dataset was created Temporal coordinates
license A license under which the dataset is distributed Availability
dataStandard The standard in which the content of the dataset is represented No guideline yet
dateModified The date on which the dataset was most recently modified No guideline yet
accessUrl The link to download the dataset No guideline yet
accessInterface The type of interface to present the dataset No guideline yet
structure The description of the structure of the dataset Schema
includedIn A dataset or data catalog which contains the dataset No guideline yet
measurementTechnique A technique or technology used in a dataset corresponding to the method used for measuring the corresponding variables No guideline yet
keywords Keywords or tags used to describe the dataset Keywords
variablesMeasured The variables that are measured in the dataset No guideline yet
format The format in which the content of the dataset is encoded to present the information, typically a MIME format Medium / Format
scientificType Scientific domain or type of the information provided in the datataset No guideline yet
includes A dataset or data catalog contained in the dataset No guideline yet
contentType Type of content provided in the dataset based on its origin and type of processes (raw, processed, summarised) No guideline yet
size Size of the dataset using a digital information multiple unit byte siymbol (MB, GB, PT, ...) No guideline yet
authentications Type of authentication required to access the dataset No guideline yet
version The version of the dataset No guideline yet
metric Metric to provide some quantitative or qualitative information about the dataset No guideline yet
sameAs Other URLs that can be used to access the dataset page No guideline yet
spatialCoverage The location depicted or described in the content Spatial coordinates
temporalCoverage The property indicates the period that the content applies to No guideline yet
citation A citation or reference to another work that describes the dataset Citations
referenceCitation A citation or reference to that describes the dataset Related publications
compression Type of compression used in the dadataset No guideline yet
authorisation Type of authorisation required to access the dataset No guideline yet